HOW TO DO RESEARCH SELECTING A TOPIC HOWTODORESEARCH GrantT.HammondAirWarCollege THOUGHTFORTHEDAY:WHATWEWANTTOAVOID “Yourmanuscriptisbothgoodandoriginal;butthepartthatisgoodisnotoriginal,andthepartthatisoriginalisnotgood.”SamuelJohnson RESEARCH FromtheFrench“recercher”–totravelthroughorsurvey Careful,...
20. 快速而有效地搜集素材 How to Research on Your Topic(下)。听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课
HowtoResearch如何开展研究工作 Howtochooseobject choosethetopicfromyourinterests,experience,readings,topicalissuesandetc.specifytheresearchquestion:puttheobjectiveintoaconcreteproposition.significant,feasible,neitherbroadnornarrow Possibletopics On-campustopics Opinionsofbothstudentsandstaffaboutthecafeteria/libraryetc....
3. Do Research on Your Topic When you’ve picked your topic and homed in on your audience, it’s time to prepare the information you need to start writing. Which could include speaking to subject matter experts, gathering data from online resources, etc. If you’re unsure of where to b...
Question number one: Do you really want to know more about the topic? This is the initial question you have to ask yourself, because research on any subject will keep you busy for weeks. You certainly don't wish to waste your time on something you have little interest in or are ...
selectingtopicresearch HOWTODORESEARCH GrantT.Hammond AirWarCollege THOUGHTFORTHEDAY: WHATWEWANTTO AVOID “Yourmanuscriptisbothgoodand original;butthepartthatisgoodisnot original,andthepartthatisoriginalis notgood.” SamuelJohnson RESEARCH •FromtheFrench“recercher” –totravelthroughorsurvey •Careful...
解析 The requirement of our school.; Identify a research topic; Narrow the topic down as much as possible; Review the literature on the topic as completely as possible; State the problem in a question form.; Translate or turn your research question into a thesis statement....
The section gives advice on choosing a topic and avoiding wasting time. Section 11 is on research methodology. This section mostly hasn't been written yet. Section 12 is perhaps the most important section: it's about emotional factors in the process of research . It tells how to deal with...
1988. Abstract This document presumptuously purports to explain how to do research . We give heuristics that may be useful in picking up the specific skills needed for research (reading, writing, programming) and for understanding and enjoying the process itself (methodology, topic and advisor sel...
任务型阅读How to Choose a Topic for Your PaperNo matter what research paper you write,the first and most important step is to choosethe topic ___ Here are some tips for youto follow.To choose a good topic, you'll have to askyourself some important questions.Is thereenough research availa...