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Attention to comprehensive risk management, including risk probability, capacity, and vulnerability was the last solution identified in this field. Experts emphasized the importance of adopting a multidimensional approach. It is crucial to consider other factors that contribute to disasters, such as ...
< Probability and Statistics < Confidence Interval A confidence interval is a range of likely values for a population parameter. It typically contains the estimated parameter, such as a population mean. For example, one U.S. Census Bureau survey of the number of people in poverty stated that ...
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where the 𝑖𝑗ij-th element stands for the probability of shifting from regime 𝑖i in period 𝑡−1t−1 to regime 𝑗j in period 𝑡t. Since the Markov switching (MS) model is also nested with structural breaks, it can be used for detecting sustained breaks. A major advantage...
Traditionally, people in India sat down comfortably on the ground to have their meals along with the entire family. It was believed that this ritual improves bonding with the family as well as helps in digestion [10]. A traditional meal was mostly plant-based, consisting of grains (cereals,...
A computer science degree is seen as a good investment, given the lucrative calling of Silicon Valley and the ever-growing demand for software engineers. Yet, it is unclear whether all computer science degree holders fare equally well on the job market. This study explores how the routing of ...
were worse in patients with depression. Precisely as in the present study, they highlighted that depression has a potentially negative effect on pain, disability, and HrQoL, but no significant impact on the treatment’s efficiency. Thus, the results for surgical therapy do not appear to be ...
With the growth of road life, the road surface gradually began to appear cracked, broken, and have other problems. An uneven road surface greatly improves the probability of traffic accidents, so timely road repair and maintenance are of great significance. Traditional road inspection methods not ...