4.2 billionstruggle to access clean water every day, which they need fordrinking,bathing,washing,growingcropsandrearing animals. That’s why those of us that have access to these precious resources should be careful not to waste them.
But I do like the crocheting into mats for the homeless idea. Sounds great! I never seem to have enough! by: Lee With a cat in the house who is very fussy about her litter I use these every day to hold scooped out poop. Double bagged. Library - place to donate by: Cheryl ...
I remember listening to the radio reports and DJ’s saying all the blood donation centers in Vegas had lines of people waiting to donate. I guess everyone felt they had to do something. What could we do from here for our American brothers and sisters in New York? There was this indescrib...
The time until a virgin queen emerges will depend on how old the cell was when you transferred it. A queen goes from egg to hatch in approximately 16 days. This virgin queen will spend another 6 days maturing before she takes her first mating flight. Mating may take 1 or 2 days. Once...
If you have the means, skill and time, please help make these masks for the heroic medical workers in your area. You can download a pattern fromHERE. DONATE TO A LOCAL FOOD BANK Providing a lifeline of emergency supplies, food banks are likely to become overwhelmed in the next few months...
please, think of this less as The Last Pantry Shopping Guide You’ll Ever Need, but a tour of the things I keep around more often than not — and would make a point to restock when I’m out of them (vs. say, the 00 flour I’ve bought for a few recipes over the years but don...
I've been at this skeptical blogging thing for over a decade now. I realize that I periodically remind you, my readers, of this and that perhaps I do it too often, but my reminders generally serve a purpose. Specifically, they serve to put an exclamation