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–Another tip is to double check that cash inflows are positive and outflows are negative. d) I/Y format: Remember that I/Y is given in integers not in decimals. 2) Clear everything before you start: Press CE|C button twice and 2ND 0 2ND CE|C to clear all 10 memory slots. 3)...
2x^2 - 4x is an example of a binomial. (You can say that a negative 4x is being added to 2x2.) First, factor out the GCF, 2x. You're left with 2x (x - 2). This is as far as this binomial can go. Any binomial in the form 1x +/- n cannot be factored further. ...
Turn the TI-36X on by pressing the "ON" button. Press "2nd" and then press "LOG" to display a list of all of the logarithmic functions. Select your logarithmic function and enter the number to perform the function with. For example, if you wish to raise 10 to the power of three, ...
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