What you’re keepin’ to yourself; why you in such a hurry, nervous? I know what it means to hide. Lithium, this’ll morals. Nine more lithium! We gotta lift, now that once makes you sleep. My sweet swan. Look at him go, to the lake, the ancient lake. There we are. He’s ...
A full 42% of 15 year-old Indonesians in school don’t reach the lowest defined level for maths, meaning they can’t “perform actions that are almost always obvious, and follow immediately from given stimuli”. Three out of four do not reach level 2 in maths, meaning that they are no...
although several universities do offer a module as part of a wider degree in, for example, geology, planetary sciences, biology, or physics and astronomy. So the best route would be to work hard at A-levels, and then choose a degree in whichever subject you find most interesting – you...
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