The equity multiplier is a component of theDuPont analysisfor calculating return on equity (ROE): DuPont analysis=NPM×AT×EMwhere:NPM=net profit marginAT=asset turnoverEM=equity multiplierDuPont analysis=NPM×AT×EMwhere:NPM=net profit marginAT=asset turnoverEM=equity multiplier Generally,...
and if they touch themselves there when looking in a mirror, they know it's their reflection in the mirror. Dogs haven't been able to pass the mirror test. However, one researcher has argued that dogs do pass the test if you
Think of all the things you do on a daily basis.Anything done more than once has potential for a product or service to improve the process. For me, one of those products wasa mirror I could hang in the shower. It saves me tons of time while shaving, and now I don’t...
Our interest in the long-run distribution of activity within a fully integrated economic area is that it can serve as the benchmark for measuring the extent of integration within a given IEA. Toward this end, we adapt the specification and results of Gabaix (1999) to our setting to derive ...
To estimate the extent (Gf, mg/mL digest) and the rate of starch hydrolysis (k, min−1) of oat flour during the 2 h in vitro small intestinal digestion, the experimental data was fitted into a first-order fractional conversion kinetic model (Equation (4)). 𝐺 (𝑡)=𝐺𝑓 +(...
See, for example, a numerical model for subsurface oil pollutant migration (from a leaking underground tank or pipeline) modeled by a nonlinear convection-diffusion equation with power law nonlinearities [15], a two-dimensional oil spill numerical model for two-phase immiscible fluids in a variably...