How to do long exposure photography Shooting long exposures effectively requires that you should be shooting in Manual mode as much as possible. If you are not sure how to shoot in Manual, take alook at “Getting Off Auto – Manual, Aperture and Shutter Priority Modes Explainedto learn more...
Well, those are examples of long-exposure photography. Long-exposure photography is possible by keeping the shutter of the camera sensor open for a long duration. This allows the sensor to capture the motion of moving objects, and the resulting image is often pleasing to the eye. So, does t...
That said, ultra-long exposures are hard to pull off for a variety of reasons. In this article, I explain my stacking technique, which makes it far easier to capture long-exposureeffectswhile avoiding conventional difficulties. If you’re passionate about long-exposure photography, this is defini...
You really need aniPhone tripodto do long exposure photography. Since long exposure photography captures movement in the scene over time, you have to make sure your iPhone remains steady during the capture to make sure youdon’t take blurry photos. It’s one of the reasons a tripod features ...
This week we're featuring cool photo projects you can do at home and if you like fine art photography, this one's for you. In the below tutorial, photographer Serge Ramelli shows you how to easily transform a boring image into a stunning long exposure black-and-white fine art shot using...
Time-lapse and long exposure photography are powerful, even when they’re separate. If you combine them, you can elevate your time-lapse photography and get creative, even with simple ideas. Check out our posts on creating aday to night time-lapse, aGoPro Time-lapse, orcommon time-lapse ...
You may wonder how bulb mode, designed for long exposures, can be used for high speed photography? The way this is done is by taking the exposure in a very dark room, and relying on a flash to light the exposure. The duration of a flash burst is very short, normally shorter than the...
Below are some ideas for long exposure photos that you could shoot. Why not give some of them a go! Capture Moving Water You’ve already seen several examples of long exposure water photography. And this is a great place to start.
Explore how to shoot light trails. Light trail photography is a type of long exposure photography that highlights the movement of light. By keeping the camera shutter open for a long period of time, you can collect more light and — in this case — show how that light moves across the fr...
your camera for night photography. If you use your camera’s Auto settings your photos will either turn out too dark, or with a lot of unwanted movement or ghosting of lights. If you’ve never used your camera’s Manual settings, I encourage you to head out one night and give it a ...