in general, is very large. For the analysis of 3D representations of plants in particular, a diverse set of tools is required because of the complexity and the non-solid characteristics of plant architecture, and its diversity both across and within species. It is our goal to point out...
How to Build a Jet Engine!: I have wanted to build a functioning, jet turbine engine for quite a long time. To me, there's something awesome about the way in which so many different aspects of a jet engine come together to make a functioning unit, that i
In [9], software-based in SfM were evaluated based on the effects on accuracy, ground sampling distance (GSD), and horizontal and vertical accuracy, depending on the ratio of GCPs vs checkpoints (CP), and the relation to its distribution. In this work, Agisoft Metashape, Inpho UAS Master...
In [9], software-based in SfM were evaluated based on the effects on accuracy, ground sampling distance (GSD), and horizontal and vertical accuracy, depending on the ratio of GCPs vs checkpoints (CP), and the relation to its distribution. In this work, Agisoft Metashape, Inpho UAS Master...