Exhale and slowly pull your body up by bending your elbows and pulling them down to your sides. Try to pull in a way that drives your elbows toward the ground while maintaining alignment with the sides of your trunk. Your body should be aligned vertically with the floor, andyou shouldn’t...
To perform the reverse-grip lat pulldown, you’ll need a pulldown machine or a regularcable machinewith a bar attachment. You could also do this using a resistance band attached to a high anchor in a seated or tall-kneeling position. This guide will focus on the version with a fully-eq...
Perform the wide-grip lat pulldown using the long bar attachment with the bend toward either end. Using an overhand grip, grab the bar at the kink on either side, as opposed to the closer grip of a close-grip pulldown. Based on comfort and limb length, place your grip anywhere from ...
Assisted pull-ups.Assisted pull-ups can help you perform a real pull-up one day. Just don’t let the assistance get into your head. Still apply maximal intensity to each rep, and always TRY to perform at least 1 real pull-up every week. You can use a machine or bands to perform as...
Prevent injury and totally maximize back day by perfecting the lat pulldown, which does wonders for your upper body.
How to Do the Single-Arm Lat Pulldown The single-arm lat pulldown may feel slightly awkward at first, especially if you’re not used to performingback exerciseswith one arm at a time. But any time spent learning the movement will pay off with new size and strength. ...
Stanten recommended mixing in somebodyweight exercises, like lunges with rotation, heel raises,pushupsandsquats. “You can also bring a longerresistance bandwith you and loop it around a sturdy pole to do lat pull-downs and rows,” Stanten said. Use mini bands forlateral squat walksand...
My guide shows you how to do Pullups: proper grip width, arm position, what if you can’t do a single rep, and more. Get stronger with my technique tips.
Movements similar to pull-ups can be utilized, as well, such as cable lat-pulldowns, assisted pull-ups, or negative pull-ups. Mobility, particularly thoracic (upper spine) mobility, needs to be developed or at least maintained. As was mentioned above, attempting to just jump into performing...
performing a lat pulldown. With your hands positioned near the bends in the bar, pull the bar down to the top of your chest. The triceps are not involved in this back pulldown. You use your upper and middle back, rotators in your shoulders and the front of your upper arm, the ...