In STATA, Bartlett’s is added onto ANOVA. The basic syntax of the command isoneway dv ivwhereivis acategorical variable. For more on running the test in STATA, seethis Notre Dame article. If youreallywant to run Bartlett’s test by hand, follow these steps [2]. ...
If you want toperform hypothesis testing, use CFA. EFA provides information about the optimal number of factors required to represent the data set. With Confirmatory Factor Analysis you can specify the number of factors required. For example, CFA can answer questions like “Does my ten question ...
However, a chi-square test should be used if you are comparing proportions between one or more groups, and you only have one group. I am not sure what your hypothesis is; testing whether the number of early and late respondents is not the same? In that case, you could do a test of...
How to use Stata's sem command with nonnormal data? A new nonnormality correction for the RMSEA, CFI and TLI Meeting of the German Stata Users Group at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, 24th May, 2019 ?All models are false, but some are useful." (George E. P. Box) Dr. Wolfgang...
The paper addresses a crucial gap in the literature by examining the interplay between real estate price bubbles and systemic risk in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from 2006 to 2022. The paper employs a three-step testing procedure: bubble detection using the bootstrapped GSADF test, measuring ...
How to do xtabond2: An introduction to difference and system GMM in Stata The Stata Journal, 9 (1) (2009), pp. 86-136 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Rossiter, 2002 J.R. Rossiter The C-OAR-SE procedure for scale development in marketing International Journal of Research in Marketing...
Thinking about robustness tests in that light will help your whole analysis. Third, it will help you understand what robustness tests actually are - they’re not just a list of post-regression Stata or R commands you hammer out, they’re ways of checking assumptions. Any analysis that checks...
Related to face mask use during the pandemic, Cherry et al. [50] showed that testing negative for COVID-19 is associated with increased face mask use support, while testing positive has no effect and in some cases even reduced face mask use support. The latter could be explained by the ...
We first calculate the marginal effects by adding up the main effects and the interaction terms at the respective sample means (using the margin command in Stata). To estimate the unit change in ROA for a 1 % change in market share (ΔROA/ΔMSMS), we divide the respective marginal ...
Missing data in covariates can result in biased estimates and loss of power to detect associations. It can also lead to other challenges in time-to-event analyses including the handling of time-varying effects of covariates, selection of covariates and t