Quizlet Live is superb as students are given codes and once they sign in they're randomly grouped for a game to start. For each question, a selection of possible answers appear on teammates' screens, but only one of them has the right answer. Students must work together to determine whic...
Wind Weathers Rock into Natural Structures Wind can form natural arches and other landforms in windy climates.The sand in the wind can carve large rocks into interesting shapes. Gravity helps shape the rocks too. How are rock pedestals formed? A mushroom rock, rock pedestal, or gour is a typ...
Crustal deformation occurswhen applied forces exceed the internal strength of rocks, physically changing their shapes. ... Forces involved in tectonic processes as well as gravity and igneous pluton emplacement produce strains in rocks that include folds, fractures, and faults. What are the causes of...
To help with identification, geologistsmust look closely at the physical properties of a mineral. ... These properties can include: color, streak, hardness, cleavage, specific gravity, crystal form, and others. What are the six ways geologists identify minerals? Most minerals can be characterized ...