Once you have used all of you bands, move the bottom band to the middle. Once you do that, move both sides of the only band left onto one finger. Then put the hook on, and connect it to the other side. And there you have it, an awesome bracelet to wear and show to your friend...
Celebrating the Olympics in Rio with this animated gif. The rings were made using the4 Pin Fishtailpattern, except only one color was used in each bracelet, or in this case, ring. Go Olympians ! ! ! We are proud of you ! ! !
Fishtail Braids We adore the fishtail because it makes you look cute and sexy at the same time. Pigtail Braids We’re sure you know how to do the pigtail since childhood but a few twists and modifications to the pigtail can be very cute indeed. Buns The bun (especially the messy typ...
Key everyone the easiest way to make a rubber band bracelet is by hand and its easy to make a fishtail just put three on yout hand but the first one twist and then all the rest are going to be normal,then you bring the bottom one over on both sides and remember there is all ways...
15、flops (人字拖)Jewelry nNecklacenEarring/ stud(耳饰)nBracelet(手链)/ bangle(手镯;脚镯)nCharm bracelet(带饰物的手镯)nFinger ringnBrooch (胸针)nPendant (垂饰;吊坠)AGESn Baby = Zero - 3n Toddler (幼童幼童) = 3 - 5n Child = Zero - 12n Teen or Youth = 12 - 19n Young adult = ...
❖Thevocabularytoformtheimage Round Rectangularoroblong长方形的 Square Heart Diamond Triangle Oval鹅蛋脸;瓜子脸 ❖Thevocabularytoformtheimage Stuffonface Beard/moustacheSpots斑Scar伤疤Freckles雀斑(复)Pimples(acnes)青春痘Mole痣Dimple酒窝Wrinkles皱纹Fishtaillines鱼尾纹Protrudingpouches眼袋Darkeyesockets黑眼圈 F...
We were just playing around one day with our Rainbow Loom when Mr. Octopus showed up! We loved him so much that we decided to make a Mrs. Octopus. This is a time-consuming project – and it’snotrecommended for beginners. If you have a fewcharmsand action figures under your belt and...
(人字拖) The vocabulary to form the image Jewelry Necklace Earring/ stud(耳饰) Bracelet(手链)/ bangle(手镯;脚镯) Charm bracelet(带饰物的手镯) Finger ring Brooch (胸针) Pendant (垂饰;吊坠) The vocabulary to form the image AGES Baby = Zero - 3 Toddler (幼童) = 3 - 5 Child = Zero -...
❖Thevocabularytoformtheimage Round Rectangularoroblong长方形的 Square Heart Diamond Triangle Oval鹅蛋脸;瓜子脸 第五页,共34页。❖Thevocabularytoformtheimage Stuffonface Beard/moustacheSpots斑Scar伤疤Freckles雀斑(复)Pimples(acnes)青春痘Mole痣Dimple酒窝(jiǔwō)Wrinkles皱纹Fishtaillines鱼尾纹Protruding...