For example, if you're routinely getting a sizable refund, that may be a sign that you're needlessly living on less throughout the year. Learning how and when to review yourW-4, the form you fill out for your employer, can help you to take control of your future. Adjust your withhol...
6 Steps to Setting Financial Goals Lots of things can influence the way you set your financial goals, including your motivations, values and dreams for the future. And the way your parents handled money and even your own spending and savings habits (which are unique to you) also has a majo...
We’re firm believers in the “pay yourself first” school of thought, by directing a portion of your paycheck into your Future Self’s piggy bank right off the bat. Saving 10% of your pretax income is a good place to start; 15% is golden. If you’re contributing to your 401(k),...
She told reporters that when he was busy in the office, he had to work 14 hours a day and returned home without sleeping for several hours, and began second days of work. When it comes to financial planning, he has no choice but to say that when he used to do accounting in his for...
Many financial planners are doing a poor job at, well, planning — both for the future of their own firms and in grooming the next generation of advisors. In a case of the proverbial cobbler's children being the worst shod, only 30 percent to 35 percent of financial advisors have a succ...
Planning for the future, whether it’s with growth in mind or just staying the course, is central to being a business owner. Part of this planning effort is making financial projections of sales, expenses, and—if all goes well—profits. ...
How to Create a Financial Projection Financial projections are created to help business owners gain insight into the future of their company’s financials. The question is, how to create financial projections? For business plan purposes, it’s important that you follow the best practices of financi...
Do you want to ensure a sustainable financial future for your new start-up business? If so, it’s important to get to grips with the basics of financial planning and analysis. Find out everything you need to know, including how to make a financial plan for a start-up, right here. Wha...
Setting short-term financial goals, as well as mid-term and long-term, is an importantstep toward becoming financially secure. If you aren’t working toward anything specific, you’re likely to spend more than you should. You’ll then come up short when you need money for unexpected bills,...
Investment Planning 101 Whether you’re going it alone or with a financial planner, it's necessary to understand how important financial and investment plans can be to your financial future. They can provide the guidance that assures your financial success. ...