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Factorising cubic equation Anyone here know how to factor this equation? Homework Statement a3c−a3b+b3a−b3c+c3b−c3a The Attempt at a Solution I tried factoring by grouping but ended up getting nowhere. If anyone can factor this equation, please tell me step by step...
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Quadratic inequalities is a topic that comes up a lot in various mathematical problems. To solve them, one has to first solve the equality and then determine the solution by looking at the graph.
Factorising both sides gives us: Recommended Adam Was Not the First Human, for the Bible Tells Us So (1 − r)Sn= a(1 − rn) Dividing both sides by (1 − r) gives us the final formula of: Sn= a(1 − rn)/(1 − r) ...
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