I would like a lot of users to be able to react on that embed and then all their names should be listed in field 1. Does anybody know how to do this? My code for creating the embed looks like this: I'm using Discord.js v.14 with EmbedBuilder client.on('inter...
Discord, the maker of a communications app for gamers, handles versioning in a slightly different way than most API providers. If the version number is omitted from the request URL, the portal routes the request to the most current version. This is a nice touch to document in your API'...
How to Share Music Playlist from Spotify on Discord Spotify allows users to share music content with other websites by using embeds. You can copy the embed and share it in your voice channel. Your friends can click the link and play your playlist. For this: Open the Spotify app and selec...
ProBot is a recent entry into the multi-purpose Discord bots world, and the top feature is the auto-moderation and auto responder. While many used to and still do preferMEE6 for server management features, ProBot comes with more ways to customize and automate tasks. Let’s find out how ...
@client.event #ricerca messaggi async def on_message(message): # Ignore messages made by the bot if(message.author == client.user): return a = '' a += message.embeds[0]["description"] if a == 'abcdef': await message.channel.send(' aaaaa ') await client.process_commands(message)...
How can I make my Discord bot send images or embeds? Making your Discord bot send images or embeds involves using the ‘MessageEmbed’ class in the Discord.js library. You can create a new embed, set its title, description, color, image, and other properties, and then send it using the...
It embeds Node.js and Chromium to support web technology stacks, and crucially it enables us to build cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) applications that can run on these operating systems while adhering to the underlying architecture. ...
If you’re familiar with Discord bots, then you may know about Mudae. This bot comes with various functions, but its most popular one is to let Discord users amass a harem of anime characters. The use of Keys can also upgrade these characters. You’re in the right place if you’re ...
If you want to use Django on a production site, useApachewithmod_wsgi. mod_wsgi operates in one of two modes: embedded mode or daemon mode. In embedded mode, mod_wsgi is similar to mod_perl – it embeds Python within Apache and loads Python code into memory when the server starts. Co...
A notable feature of Hexo is tag plugins. Tag plugins are snippets of code you can add to your Markdown files without having to write complex or messy HTML to render specific content. Hexo supports several tag plugins, including block quotes, Twitter and Youtube embeds, and code blocks. The...