Since the position of a double quotation mark determines its shape, it is easiest to use GREP with Find/Change. You can (1) find a straight quotation mark at the beginning of a word/phrase and change it to left quotation marks, and then (2) fi...
For example, if you’re quoting a passage that already features a quote, use double quotation marks for the main quote and single quotation marks for the quote within a quote. “My last boss used to always say, ‘You sell more before lunch than the others sell in a week,’” Amira ...
When the single quotation mark and double quotation mark fall next to each other, as in the above example, you can improve readability by putting a space between the two marks. Professional print typesetters use something called a “thin space,” which is thinner than a standard space. HTML ...
When the single quotation mark and double quotation mark fall next to each other, as in the above example, you can improve readability by putting a space between the two marks. Professional print typesetters use something called a “thin space,” which is thinner than a standard space. HTML ...
These kinds of reactions can be deemed partly understandable if we take into account that polyamory is a double transgression against the commonly accepted norms in romantic relationships—norms that are probably also shared by the experts. Firstly, it means consent to maintaining sexual relations ...
Ready to learn more about how to write a quotation within a quotation? Read on. Work smarter with Grammarly The AI writing assistant for anyone with work to do Get Grammarly Table of contents When to use quotations within quotations Basic rules for using quotation marks Single vs. double quo...
American style uses double quotes (“double”) for direct speech / dialogue and single quotes (‘single’) for quotations within a quotation. Example of American style: “Punctuation, and spaces between words,” according to style guides, “is a development of ‘silent reading,’ a practice ...
Microsoft SSIS - Load a flat file (.csv) with multiple commas (,) and no double quotations (") - into a SQL Serve table Microsoft Visual studio is unable to load this document. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.._SSIS Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is not registered Micro...
However, if you want to add curly quotes to HTML code, do the following: For the curly single opening and closing quote mark (or apostrophe), use ‘ and ’ respectively. For the curly opening and closing double quotation marks, use “ and ” respectively. ...
1) Ensure you are using normal double-quotes. When copying and pasting it’ll use pretty quotes but vmware will complain (not a valid boolean, etc.) 2) Disabling featureCompat.enable is only supported on hardware versions less than 9. Change that to TRUE (probably can just delete but have...