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Bone-modifying agents (BMAs) are integral to managing patients with advanced cancer. They improve quality of survival by reducing skeletal-related events, treating hypercalcaemia and chemotherapy-induced bone loss (Coleman in Clin Cancer Res 12: 6243s–6
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a discourse and a counter-discourse – which, instead of following one after the other and being uttered by two different mouths – are superimposed one on the other and merge into a single utterance issuing from a single mouth […]. This collision of two rejoinders – each integral in it...
[84,85]. Notably, human NLRP3 forms a 10-mer, while mouse NLRP3 forms 12- to 16-mers. Both oligomers adopt a double-ring structure that seems to shield the PYD [84,85]. In both species, oligomer formation requires LRR–LRR interactions between two monomers, and these pairs then ...
Bone-modifying agents (BMAs) are integral to managing patients with advanced cancer. They improve quality of survival by reducing skeletal-related events, treating hypercalcaemia and chemotherapy-induced bone loss (Coleman in Clin Cancer Res 12: 6243s–6
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