"If you wanna date me, you gotta ask my daddy / And my 30 uncles, you can meet them in an alley / And one day I'mma bring home a Grammy / But no matter what I’ll be bringing home Randy's Donuts" The artist born Rebecca Gomez zips across a vast expanse of the L.A. basin...
像马库斯?丹尼斯柯那样 Marcus Denisco worked in Account Services 马库斯?丹尼斯柯在会计部工作 and was perhaps the most expendable employee at the company. 他大概是整个公hearts;司hearts;里最可有可无的人了 I brought some donuts. Theyre probably stupid. 我买hearts;hearts;了些甜甜圈 这么做估计有点...
Unless of course you get lost, which is easy to do in this city of huge freeways and sprawling neighborhoods. Getting a map and acquainting yourself with the city's freeway system before driving in LA is an absolute must. In addition to major freeways and highways like the 101, the 405...
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