Raw correlations between each reason and each pro-environmental behavior (consumer behavior and activism; see TableS19) show the strongest (moral and identity) and weakest (intrinsic) correlates of pro-environmental behavior. These raw correlations are an easily interpretable starting place for examinin...
The pathj module enabled us to include both constructs of subjective financial well-being together in the path analysis. Results Correlation Results Table 6 depicts the correlation coefficients of all study variables. A correlation analysis revealed that almost all individual variables (i.e., ...
The growth in digital technologies in recent decades has offered many opportunities to support students’ learning and homework completion. However, i
Although the term meta-analysis was first used by Glass in 1976, the first meta-analysis in the sense of combining quantitative studies is attributed to Pearson [5], who analyzed data from five studies on the correlations between inoculation and immunity and mortality. In the late 1970s and ...
This exploratory cross-sectional study attempts to understand the mechanisms underlying the role of parental mentalizing in a child’s psychological functioning during middle childhood by using Parental Reflective Functioning (PRF) and Parental Insightfulness (PI) constructs. The main aims are to examine...