Yeah, okay — the irony hereisn’t lost on us. But while giving distinct details is important to character descriptions, so is knowing when concrete descriptions aren’t needed. Words, after all, are not limited to describing physical things. So don’t limit your prose, either. ...
Wondering how to write meta descriptions? Check out these 6 helpful tips and 3 meta description examples to drive clicks and boost your site’s SEO!
This is the very first paragraph of the novel. Kay’s the viewpoint character, and the reader hasn’t met her or Seth yet – so I’m trying to get in a bit of description of both of them, and hint at the backstory between them (e.g. “taller than she’d imagined him” – she...
While reading the book, pay attention to every tiny detail to make sure you grasp the whole array of your character's traits. Consider the following things: What specific descriptions does the author provide for each character? For example, when J.K. Rowling describes Harry Potter for the ...
Description of eye colour is often used in place of eye descriptions that give characters more personality or individuality. 'He was a blue-eyed surfer' doesn't tell the reader much about the character other than the surface physical appearance. Instead, focus on how the eyes can say more ab...
Unique descriptions, whether internal or external, are key to creating memorable and meaningful characters. And regardless of medium, character traits are critical considerations for any literary work. However, while they are typically noted in a character introduction, your chosen character traits should...
This includes physical descriptions or judgments made by the character themselves, by other characters, by a narrator, or by the author. An old trick is to have a character look into a mirror; if the character does this, you may get a lot of information: age, race, gender, and so much...
What Comes Before and After Your Story? Character Backstory and Living Happily Ever After 15 Ways to Make Your Characters Suffer (for the Good of Your Novel) How to Write Character Descriptions That Work [With Examples]
Platform Differences: Some platforms may have character limits or unique display formats. Always test how your previews look on the major sites. Troubleshooting: When Things Don’t Go as Planned Sometimes, even with your best efforts, meta descriptions may present issues: Truncation: If your descri...
Examples of how to describe people succinctly Here are a few examples of character descriptions that are precise and impactful: Her hair had been long and wavy brown then, natural in curl and colour, as he liked it, and her face bashful and soft - a reflection less of the way she was ...