Learn to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in bash scripts.Let’s do some Bash Math! While writing your bash scripts, you will often find yourself wanting to figure out the result of an arithmetic calculation to determine a remaining disk space, ...
The Linux Bash shell supports integer arithmetic only. It can neither understand nor cope with floating point calculations. The bc utility gives you precision floating point calculations interactively and in shell scripts. Why Bash Only Supports Integers The original design decision to restrict theUnixB...
The bashprintfcommand is a tool used for creating formatted output. It is a shell built-in, similar to theprintf()function inC/C++, Java, PHP, and other programming languages. The command allows you to print formatted text and variables in standard output. Useprintfin bash scripts to increas...
Like everything is file in Linux, everything is string in bash. Yes! Technically, there are no data types in Bash. Essentially, Bash variables are just character strings. And that creates a problem when you are trying to doarithmetic operations in bash. The numbers you try to add give yo...
Using a key-value dictionary in bash comes handy in many scenarios like when generating a passcode of your own choice, like performing complex or long arithmetic calculation or saving details that you can access anywhere in the code. So, to demonstrate the use of key-value dictionary in bash...
In Bash, you can use the ‘foreach’ loop to iterate over an array. Here’s an example: fruits=("Apple" "Banana" "Cherry") for fruit in "${fruits[@]}"; do echo "I love $fruit"; done # Output: # I love Apple # I love Banana ...
let "i-=5"decrements the variable value by 5 and assigns the result back toi. Thelet commandis a shorthand notation for performingarithmetic operations in Bash. 3. Save and run the script: The script decrements the variable value by 5 until the value equals 5. ...
In this article, we will learn how to use the modulo (%) operator in Bash. Use the Mod (%) Operator in Bash Theexprcommand is what you need to use in Bash if you want to evaluate an expression. Theexprfunction must be called for each arithmetic operation to correctly assess the resul...
2. Get the Result of the Arithmetic Operation with Fractional Value The “bc” command is used to perform the arithmetic operations properly in Bash. The “bc –l” command is used to calculate the result of the arithmetic operation that may contain the fractional value. After executing the ...
) is used to test an arithmetic expression. You can read more about this construct in our post on bash arithmetic. It does support the && and || binary operators. The single square brackets [...] is the command [ which is a shell builtin and an alias to the test command. The test...