But it didn’t bother me. We had the harbor before us. The mountains behind us. Wine and biscuits awaiting us in the hotel room. And there was hardly anything about which I needed to concern myself. I’d run my marathon and gotten my airplane ticket refunded. I’d written my novel,...
(The New YorkerandNPR). I’ll keep an eye on others as they come out and will probably do a quick look at some of them on the next episode of the podcast or in the newsletter this month, but I don’t think I’ll be reading the translation myself. I’ve spent enough time and ...
Photo: wikiHow Look, if you've been drunk then you know how to tell if you're drunk. Unless you get to that point where you're so drunk that you think you're just being awesome. Unfortunately then you won't be able to see straight, so trying to read anything on any website will...
You can preview each of the other ones by clicking on Preview next to it. Once you choose the desired skin, select it and click on Save at the bottom of the page. You can also change the logo of your wiki by altering the $wgLogo variable in LocalSettings.php to the name of the ...
Photo: wikiHow Look, if you've been drunk then you know how to tell if you're drunk. Unless you get to that point where you're so drunk that you think you're just being awesome. Unfortunately then you won't be able to see straight, so trying to read anything on any website will...
To start a podcast, you'll need a few basic pieces of equipment and software. You'll need a microphone, a computer, and editing software. A USB microphone is a good option for beginner podcasters, as it's easy to set up and use. For editing software, you can use free programs like...
on regular writing projects, so much so that he decided to close up shop in Japan in 1986, after having been a writer for a mere seven years, and move to Europe and live on the road for three years. To get anything comparable in the U.S., I think we’d have to look back at ...
AWork with Mepage which details the kind of clients you help, how you work, and shares a way to take the first step toward working with you If you don’t have anything ready to offer, no worries! You can skip directly to the next area of focus, yourContentsection. ...
Pellettieri's wife mentioned that the company didn't sell anything for the outdoorsmen crowd, and so the developer bought the rights to "Take Me to the River" and "Don't Worry, Be Happy," and the Big Mouth Billy Bass was born. The singing mounted fish became a surprising success, ...
Conversations on Health:How We Get Thereis amonthlypodcast series about health care, health care systems and the connections we need to make outcomes better. Through health professionals and patients – each podcast will explore a different aspect of health or health care. Or a different country’...