有的时候啊,你的属性里的set里面应用了复杂的业务逻辑,而Linq to SQL在将值从数据库取出,然后赋值给这个属性的时候,默认是要使用这个set的,这个时候在这种情况下(从数据库取值赋给类的属性),你并不想执行这个set里面的逻辑,想把这个值直接给属性背后的那个私有字段: privatefloat_price; /// ///由于某些原因...
Add empty row to Datagridview Add EncodingType to Nonce element on SOAP Message (WS-Security) Add fonts to resources file Add hexidecimal character to a string Add IList to IList Add Images to DatagridView Cell Add months to GETDATE() function in sql server Add new row to datagridview one...
0 MySQL, group by in both inner and outer query at the same time 1 How to do multiple select operations in this case? 0 How to aggregate this simple SQL? 1 Using two aggregate values from a SELECT subquery in a single outer SELECT query Hot Network Questions Produci...
how to create a daily trigger and run a stored procedure in sql server How to create a Dual Listbox and transfer the delected items to back end from MVC web application? How to create a dynamic table with data comming from model, in MVC How to create a link button with mvc model Ho...
and so on. Again for nodejs users, do not forget (what you should already be familiar with if you used this API before) to usetoArrayin order to append your.thencommand. Add a comment Try the following query: db.student.find({}, {roll: 1, _id: 0}); ...
In this section, you will connect to a MySQL server and create a sample database so that you can follow the examples in this guide. If your SQL database system runs on a remote server, SSH into your server from your local machine: ...
(Take note of the file name as this is the name for the template you will look for in SQL profiler.) ClickYesif prompted to overwrite. Then you should get a message that the tdf file wasimported successfully.ClickOK. (Or you can do a Save|Save ...
(Take note of the file name as this is the name for the template you will look for in SQL profiler.) ClickYesif prompted to overwrite. Then you should get a message that the tdf file wasimported successfully.ClickOK. (Or you can do a Save|Save ...
There is function call pivot() in MS SQL Server, it can be used like below: 1 2 select* fromProducts pivot(sum(price)forstorein(store1, store2, store3)) pt We will have our expecting result as well: What pivot() actually do is just like what we will do manually. In the function...
You want to find know if all the customers with all 3 monthly values approved and the values are < 20. Now I know you can get at this result multiple ways but I just want to show how you can apply logic across rows.First you know that there are 3 monthly records for all the ...