Watch our video guide on running a Luminex assay. Find out more about the Luminex protocol and R&D Systems Luminex assays.
in an assay you may measure the fluorescence but would like to plot concentration units. Knowing before-hand the relationship between the amount of fluorescence generated and the concentration of target in a sample allows you to convert measured fluorescence response values to corresponding...
Analysis of DNA fragments enables a multitude of applications, including cell line authentication, determination of CRISPR-Cas9 editing efficiency, microsatellite marker analysis, the multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) assay, relative fluorescent quantitation ...
making friends with it.Following this first assay, I buy a textbook and some works of Azilian literature, all together. Of the first, I always buy one with answers provided for the questions in the exercises
Our customer and technical support experts are here to help! Explore Support Center Medical Affairs We provide medical information and facilitate research collaborations. Connect With Us Partnerships Work directly with us for specialized technologies and support. Clinical Assay Development Services Co...
approaches the absolute "true" value of the substance (analyte) being measured. Results from every test performed are compared to known "control specimens" that have undergone multiple evaluations compared to the "gold" standard for that assay, thus analyzed to the best testing standards available....
Analysis using a multiplex PCR assay for CDR3 length. Gregersen PK,Hingorani R,Monteiro J,et al.Oligoclonality in the CD8+ T cell population: analysis using a multiplex PCR assay for CDR3 length.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1995... PK Gregersen,R Hingorani,J Monteiro - ...
T7 endonuclease I (T7EI) mismatch cleavage assay for detection of on-target editing, known off-target events, and estimation of genome editing efficiency in cultured cells. Learn more rhAmpSeq™ CRISPR Analysis System An end-to-end solution to design, deploy, and analyze next generation seque...
How can I do the calculations of an assay for an enzyme activity? Describe how the enzyme assay could still be used accurately, even if maltose is already present in the test solution, prior to the enzyme assay. Describe an experiment that could test the hypothesis th...
Doing this gave me error however "Error in UseMethod(generic = "as.sparse", object = x) : no applicable method for 'as.sparse' applied to an object of class "Assay"" Thank you for your help! My Seurat GEX cluster object: My loom-converted Seurat object: ...