@echo off setlocal :: Check if Windows is Windows XP and use Windows XP valid counter for UDP performance ::if defined USERDOMAIN_roamingprofile (set "v=v4") else (set "v=") for /f "tokens=4 delims=. " %%# in ('ver') do if %%# GTR 5 (set "v=v4") else ("v=") set "...
DTS Engineer Apple Jul ’24 You posted your crash report in a way that makes it hard to access. Can you try again, this time without the leading “1.”? I believe that’s confusing the DevForums platform )-: ps I have general advice on how to post crash reports in… you guess...
Aside from descriptions, there are only two synthetic taxonomic checklist studies with archived vouchers that cover multiple megafaunal taxa,88,89 and three covering specific taxa.90,91,92 This reflects the challenges of collecting larger animals, typically involving remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)—...