Either way, talk to your doctor about Trimix gel or injection and see if he/she recommends it for you. It's a powerful combination, but one that is successful in 90% of men. So it does work. Just be aware of potential side effects and complications....
The field of DNA-based therapeutics sparked in 1990, when Wolff et al. showed that injection of naked plasmid DNA (pDNA) in the quadriceps of mice resulted in the local expression of the encoded protein [9]. Different preclinical studies have shown that the delivery of DNA-encoded antibodies...
Chris also said that it's incredibly difficult to inject a flaccid penis, so Daniel received a Trimix injection, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction and helped guarantee a boner throughout the entire treatment. I asked Daniel if he was uncomfortable with me watching him while he was ...
5.You're probably wondering what Daniel's penis looked like during this injection process. With each emptying of a syringe, it was as if a massive vein was magically appearing along the side of his dick, almost like a bulging tree root. I was also shocked at how little blood there was ...