However, it is not a difficult task, and Stata provides all the tools you need to do this.In the section, Test Procedure in Stata, we illustrate the Stata procedure required to perform multiple regression assuming that no assumptions have been violated. First, we set out the example we use... Subjectst: How to return regression results from a complex column vector in mata back to stata DateTue, 2 Aug 2011 18:07:48 +0200 Follow-Ups: Re: st: How to return regression results from a complex column vector in mata back to stata ...
Prev by Date: st: RE: getting details about the selected cases in regression Next by Date: st: RE: How to do one-way and two-way sensitivity analysis in stata? Previous by thread: st: How to do one-way and two-way sensitivity analysis in stata? Next by thread: st: RE: How to...
Creating a “Do” File in Stata Stata commands are listed and executed in a do file. It’s a quick and easy way to avoid typing commands into the Stata command box. You can simply replicate your results, re-run your analysis with revisions and elaborations, or rerun it after fixing erro...
The data was analysed using generalised structural equation modelling and the logistic regression model. The results indicate that gays and lesbians conceal their sexual orientation more in hostile workplaces. A higher level of concealment is linked with an increased perception of discrimination and with...
This error can spill over to the estimation of other correlated variables, i.e., industry and occupation experience in an additive model such as the one presented in this paper. By subtracting the mean of firm experience from all the observations of an individual in a firm (a job spell),...
A close analysis of recent articles in the Industrial Marketing Management journal reveals that authors have predominantly used survey-based econometrics, time series, cross-sectional and panel data, qualitative interviews, case study methodologies, and standard regression estimations to evaluate the relation...
Can you clarify the goal here? Do you want to do cases 2 through 10, then 11 thru 19, then 20 to 28, or what? Or do you just literally want to run a regression on cases 2 thru 10? (If so, visual inspection may be easier than trying to program it.) ...
In the example below I had to us an old version of suest since my home computer only has Stata 7, but I have verified this with later versions. Note that the tests of the coefficients for the tests of price and gear_ratio in models A and B have the same results (p ...
Certain aspects of statistics are the backbone of quantitative trading, including regression theory and time-series analysis. Electronic engineering techniques such as Fourier analysis and wavelet analysis are also utilized in quantitative analysis. Most of the statistics concepts you will need to understan...