IslamWonderHowTo See how to do Salah Prayer for Muslims by Sheikh Adly, with instructions in English. how to How to Practice a salaat or an Islamic prayer Bycwiltz Oct 17, 2007 IslamWonderHowTo Learn the basic of doing a salaat (an Islamic prayer). This is a recitation of some verses...
Beliefs of a Muslim A muslim has belief in God(Allah), the Angels, the Books of Allah, Messengers of God, the Last day(Day of Judgement) and Qadaa and Qadar. Read More + The Prayer It is obligatory upon you to establish the prayer (Salaah) for it is the backbone of the religion...
Muslim communities may start Ramadan on different days, due to declarations by multiple Islamic authorities around the globe on whether the crescent has been sighted or different methodologies used to determine the start of the month. Why and how do Muslims fast? Fasting is one of...
Knowing how to memorize a prayer creates total mental peace and connection. From the Lord's Prayer to the Apostle's Creed, learn it all now.
Learn How to Make Wudu for Prayer Sunni Way Learn to make wudu step by step for Muslim males, females and kids and how to do wudu in Sunni way with image guidance. Learn Dua after making wudu in Arabic and English translation, What to say upon completing ablution in Islam. ...
Embarking on the sacred journey of Hajj is a profound experience and an act of devotion that holds immense significance in the life of every Muslim. It is a pilgrimage that transcends time and space, connecting us to the legacy of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) an
“No Muslim dies with 40 people standing to his funeral, all are interceding for him, except that Allāh intercedes for them.” (Muslim) Praying the janazah prayer is prescribed for both men and women. It is a Fard Kifaya (communal obligation) and not an individual obligation, however pray...
Muslims typically stream into mosques for congregational prayers and dedicate more time for religious contemplation and the reading of the Quran, the Muslim holy book. Charity is a hallmark of Ramadan. Among other ways of giving, many seek to provide iftar for the needy, distributi...
Any use of ameen in Islamic prayeris considered optional (sunnah), not required (wajib). The practice is based on the example and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. How do Muslims say hello? Greet your fellow Muslim by wishing them peace. ...
This project visualizes the variation of Muslim prayer times (Adhan) throughout the year using the adhan-js library and Chart.js. It allows users to enter their location (latitude and longitude) and view the prayer times for each month of the current year, specifically for the 15th day of...