How to Use VBA Input Function in Excel (2 Examples) 22 Macro Examples in Excel VBA How to Use Excel VBA Userform (2 Suitable Examples) 20 Practical Coding Tips to Master Excel VBA Use Excel VBA to Make a Dynamic and Dependent Combo Box We have two columns: Days and Months. We will i...
Read More: How to Do Advanced Sorting in Excel Method 4 – Applying the Excel Power Query to Sort Drop-down Data The dataset was converted to a table by pressing Ctrl + T. Steps: Select the table (B4:C13). Go to Data > From Table/Range. The Power Query Editor window will open. ...
As a result, it’s easy to track completed tasks. Follow these steps to create checkbox cells: Enable the Developer Tab: The Developer dialog box in Excel provides access to advanced features, including checkboxes. To enable it, go to “File” > “Options” > “Customize Ribbon.” In the...
How to create a stock chart How to create a candlestick chart How to create a surface chart How to create a radar chart How to create a treemap chart How to create a sunburst chart How to create a histogram chart How to create a pareto chart How to create a Box and Whisker chart Ho...
After installing Kutools For Excel, please click Kutools > AI Aide to open the Kutools AI Aide pane. Select the data range that you want to use. Then, type the requirement in the chat box: such as: Find the closest past date to today from the selected dates and highlight with a light...
In conclusion, if you want to change all caps to lowercase in Excel, there are a couple of methods you can use. The easiest way is to use the standard keyboard shortcut: CTRL + L. Another way is to click on the textbox containing the all caps text, and then select the Edit > Co...
In theSave Asdialog box, choose theSave As Typedrop-down list and selectExcel Template (*.xltx). Name the file asbook.xltx Excel XLSTART Directory The file needs to be saved or moved to your XLSTART directory on your local C: drive. The location of this directory varies depending on you...
If you want to specialize in-office programs, learning to use some tools would be only fair. It is time to learn how to add a dropdown in excel 2019 using very simple techniques that you will find online. This process of how to add a dropdown in excel co
How To Create A Dashboard In Excel (7 Steps) Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to create a dashboard in Excel. Step 1: Import the necessary data into Excel No data. No dashboard. So the first thing to do is to bring data into Microsoft Excel. ...
1.1 How to apply custom data labels in Excel 2013 and later versions This example chart shows the distance between the planets in our solar system, in an x y scatter chart. The first 3 steps tell you how to build a scatter chart. ...