Case brief也是法律英语证书(LEC)考试的考查重点。 Case brief又称case summary, 是对已公布的案例所作的概述,换言之,是对案件事实和其中法律意见(legal opinion)的总结。 不过,很多人将“case brief”与“brief”混淆,二者是截然不同的~ Brief是律师向法庭提交的表明其对案件的观点的书面辩论文件,称作“律师辩论...
Step 2: Figure out how much of your allowance you want to save and how much you want to spend. Put aside a 5 for your long-term goals. Take two envelopes. Write "spend" on one and "save...
This is the time when we try to resolve the case with the at-fault insurance company. This is known as the “demand process.” It involves gathering your medical records, creating a summary of your accident, injuries, and other evidence, and sending it to the insurance company with our re...
要想高效地阅读英文案例,必须要学会撰写Case brief (案例摘要),这是在美国法学院“生存”(survival)的必备技能。 Case brief又称case summary, 是对已公布的案例所作的概述,换言之,是对案件事实和其中法律意见(legal opinion)的总结。 不过,很多人将“case brief”与“brief”混淆,二者是截然不同的。 Brief是律...
Construct a coherent summary and explanation of the study. Demonstrate analytical and critical-thinking skills. Explain the interrelationships between the environment and nature. Integrate theory and practice of the discipline within the analysis. Creating the Case Study Outline Let's look at how to wr...
Suppose a current or former student asks you to write a letter of recommendation. In that case, your letter should speak specifically about their academic performance and the traits that make them a strong candidate for the program or grant they seek. Here are some scenarios where a student mi...
“With a traditional lender it may come down to the fine print, and how flexible the lender chooses to be with you. Again, getting in front of the situation will be helpful. First, read all the paperwork and know what your worst case scenario is. Be prepared for the lender to stick ...
This section presents a correction to the article "How Does Case Law Shape Civil Law Systems? An Analysis of Spanish Administrative Courts," by Alfonso Egea-de Haro, published online on July 24, 2023.Egea-de Haro, AlfonsoLiverpool Law Review...
1.What is a summary? A summary is a fairly brief restatement, in your own words, of the main contents. Summary is a short passage giving the main points of an original article.2.How to make a summary Find key words;Find key sentences;Find the key ideas;Step2 Leading in Let’s ...
If you’d like to request an extended leave, there are many appropriate reasons to do so – even if your situation is not covered under the FMLA or another employment law. For example, you might request a leave of absence to take a sabbatical, finish graduate school, recover from job...