如何写总结(How to write a summary) 1、the author tells us the importance of self-learning for children. not only should the teacher help the students to correct their mistakes, but also they should depend themselves to correct their own mistakes. 2、this passage discusses the importance of ...
How to Write a Good Summary? Summary is a brief restatement of the essential thought of a longer composition. It reproduces the theme of the original with as few words as possible. When one writes a summary, one should not interpret or comment. All one has to do is to give the gist...
A lawyer has been hired to handle the case. Do you know how much the house is worth. Don't hesitate anymore. The best time to invest is now. Employers are encouraged to B sales in the form. A travel accent is a person of business that arrange these people's holidays and then raise...
Parents should make your children know what they should do and what they shouldn't do. Parents should make your children know what they should do and what they shouldn't do. Let students answer the following questions to see whether they know the basic requirements 1.Is this summary agood...
HowtoWriteaSummary Afathercamehomefromworklate,tiredandexhausted.Heworkeddayandnight,hopingtoearnmoremoneyforhisonlychild.His5-year-olddaughterwaswaitingforhimatthedoor.“Dad,howmuchdoyouearnanhour?”askedthedaughter.“Whydoyouaskthat?”“Ijustwanttoknow.Pleasetellmehowmuchyouearnanhour.”“Ifyou...
1.a summary of an appellate court opinion Why bother summarizing cases? 1.a habit to summary do good to learn case ,especially the longer one. Are there other kinds of legal briefs? 1.YES 2.learning how to brief a case is an essential skill that must be mastered and will be used 3...
it should be brief (short). furthermore, the summary should be written as much as possible in your own words. it contains only the main ideas and what the author talks about the topic but not include much explanation or examples. 如何写总结(How to write a summary).doc 将本文的Word文档...
HOW-TO-WRITE-A-SUMMARY怎样写一个英语总结 第一页,共34页。Whatisasummary?1.Ashortenedversionofthetext 2.Mainpointsofthetext3.Writteninyourownwords Asummaryisabriefaccountofthemainpointsofanarticleinyourownwords.第二页第,一共页34页。DiscussionQuestion:Whatshouldbepaidattentiontotowrite agoodsummaryof...
HowtoWriteaSummary Thepreviewsandsummariescangiveyouaquickoverviewofwhattheentirearticleisabout.•2.Writethesummaryinyourownwords.Donotimitatethestyleoftheoriginalwork.•3.Quotefromthematerialonlytoillustratekeypoints.Also,limityourquotations.Forinstance,aone-paragraphsummary 精品PPT HowtoWriteaSummary should...