降层解释 + 进一步的结果 nother significant advantage is that the buyer can have more control over the process. Price comparison websites make it easier to find bargains, shopping can be done at any time of the day or night, and shoppers can browse for as long as they like without pressure...
所属专辑:【畅听派专享】雅思真经:系统备考课 主播XiMi团专享 音频列表 【口语】06-Pronunciation 发音 68 2020-08 【写作】06-How to Write a BodyMain Paragraph 如何创作主体段 68 2020-08 【语法】06-Noun Clauses (1)名词性从句 52 2020-08 ...
Often the hardest sentence to write, the first sentence of your body paragraph should act as the topic sentence, introducing the main point of the entire paragraph. Also known as the “paragraph leader,” the topic sentence opens the discussion with an underlying claim (or sometimes a question)...
2.4 How to write the body paragraph of an essay 《循章就法话写作》是针对提高非英语专业大学生英语写作能力而设计的一门课程。课程从英语句子写作,到段落写作,再到各种类型的短文写作,都做了专门的讲解;并且对于作文中经常用到的写作技巧,以及一些应用文的写作也做
BODY PARAGRAPH ONE Topic Sentence:Genetics is a key factor in the development of diabetes in children 主题句:遗传是儿童患糖尿病的一个关键因素。 Supplementary sentences: 1.Discuss the role of genetics in Type 1 diabetes, along with other possible factors relating to Type 1 diabetes ...
In general, though different kinds of written and spoken texts vary widely, a body paragraph is a container for a main idea--it's the "meat" in the sandwich that is contained by the two pieces of bread, which represent the introductory remarks, which set up and give con...
CHUNG-SOOK (CONT’D) What are you going to do about it? What’s the plan, genius? She treats Ki-Tek like shit, but it doesn’t bother him. He rises with the most serene, enlightened smile, then plods over to the -- LIVING ROOM SLASH KITCHEN Where he removes a bag of white ...
Topicsentenceofthe2ndbodyparagraph Endingparagraph AModelIntroductoryParagraphObserved Owingtothedevelopmentofnationaleconomy,peoplehavebecomericher.Withmoremoneyintheirpockets,theywanttoenjoytheirlivesinamodernizedway.Somewillbuynewhouses.Otherswouldliketohavetheirprivatecars.Iprefertotravelallovertheworld.Foreigntravel...
How do you write a thesis paragraph for a research paper? How to write and what to include in a body paragraph? Explain in 4-5 sentences. What is a textual analysis essay? How can a literary analysis essay use the comparison of two characters to make a point?
you discussed the problem of a film that is playing backwards. The problem of sound should be addressed in the following body paragraph. It is essential that your arguments are particular and is related to your thesis statement. Each paragraph should contain an appropriate conclusion. Always back...