In 1881, doctor William Halsted rushed to help his sister Minnie, who was hemorrhaging after childbirth. He quickly inserted a needle into his arm, withdrew his own blood, and transferred it to her. After a few uncertain minutes, she began to recover. Wh
His transfusion only worked because he and his sister 他的输血过程之所以成功, 是因为他和他妹妹 happened to have the same blood type— 恰好是同一种血型—— something that isn’t guaranteed, even among close relatives. 而实际上,即使是至亲, 都不一定能保证血型一致。 Blood types hadn’t been di...
Transfusion of whole blood and blood components is a frequent necessity in veterinary practice. Separation of blood into its cellular components allows for more efficient and specific replacement of the patient's needs as well as reducing the likelihood of transfusion reactions resulting from unnecessary...
With respect to nonstored autologous b lood, 55%of respondents would accept either intraoperative normovolemic hemodil ution or transfusion of their own blood obtained by a cell salvage system. No si gnificant differences in responses ... C Gyamfi,RL Berkowitz - 《Dkgest of the World Latest...
She said she continues to donate because her best friend's daughter who is in remission for leukemia needed blood transfusions, so she sees how important it is. Click here to schedule an appointment to donate blood or find a blood drive. HealthNewsU.S....
AUTOLOGOUS blood transfusion (ABT) is defined as the transfusion of the patient's own blood collected from an active or recently bleeding site, via a filtered giving set, to help restore haemodynamic stability in an emergency setting.ABT is commonly performed in human medicine (Robinson et al, ...
aWhen doctors understand how blood goes around inside the body, they try ways of giving blood to people who need it. They take blood from the healthy people and give it to people who need it. This is called " blood transfusion". The blood goes from the arm of the healthy person into...
Sometimes people die when they have blood transfusion.Later doctors find that we do not all have the same kind of blood. There are four groups-O A B and AB. We all haveblood of one of these groups. They also find that they can give any kind of blood to people of group AB. But ...
Blood transfusion: merits of component therapy. II. The clinical use of plasma and plasma components. Molecular population genetics is a powerful tool to infer how species responded to past environmental change. In the northern hemisphere, interest is incre... DH Buchholz - 《Journal of Pediatrics...
Successfully performing blood transfusions on the battlefield could stop most of the preventable combat deaths.