Appreneurs earn money while creating lifestyles of great freedom. Two of my appreneur friends spend several months of the year doing nonprofit work in Vietnam, while their businesses are generating seven-figure incomes. Another is taking his kids to see the Seven Wonders of the Worl...
"Hey, Sparky, can you do a backflip?" he asks. He nudges the machine sharply, the way he would to keep the ball from draining. Sparky's head shakes in different directions, then settles into a horizontal movement. Robert asks more questions. And Sparky answers with simil...
Having just won the 2019's men's division of the CrossFit Games, Mat Fraser is, without question, the fittest man on Earth. It's a title that Fraser has now held for the past four years. Here, he speaks to Men's Health UK just before the 2019 CrossFit Games... Mat Fraser is...
"In school, I feel like sport was really narrow-minded," Worthington said. "As a girl, you kind of were expected to do rounders or ballet orgymnasticsor netball. Those sports are kind of fun, but that felt really narrow-sighted for me and I definitely knew that I liked individua...