RGB led light panelled LightsBuilding DIY LED lightsDIY RGB NanoleafHOW TO MAKE 1播放 · 总弹幕数02022-06-05 08:42:30 播放器初始化... 加载视频内容...点赞 投币收藏分享 稿件投诉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjSb0RiBS3I 手工 DIY 知识 科学科普 td made ...
文怡斋创建的收藏夹红旗内容:【转载】如何给汽车模型加入灯光系统 改装教程 How to install LED lights in a model car,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
You can choose to install the LED light strip in front of your mirror or behind your mirror as a background light. Of course, you can also follow the specific shape of the mirror and show different moods in different positions. Once you have chosen where to place the LED light strip, y...
turn your LED lights into a piece of new decor: hang photos from string lights, wrap them around wire to bend them into shapes for wall hangings, the possibilities are
Light source to go inside your lantern, e.g. fairy lights Personal protective equipment DIY log lantern: step-by-step instructions Before you get started, you should fix the log to a sawhorse using a tensioning belt. Mark out your initial cuts with a piece of chalk so you know exactly ...
Making aDIY desk lampwith LED lights can transform any space into a cozy and productive area. This guide walks you through crafting your own unique lamp, suitable for various needs. From selecting the right type of wood for your lamp base, such aspine,oak, orbamboo, to exploring alternative...
Step 8: Add the Lights Place the battery holder into the pocket and unravel the fairy lights To keep the lights in place, snip a small hole where each LED should go, insert the LED through, then push the wire flat as shown to keep it in place ...
Step 2: Choose Your "Junk" The beauty of this project lies in the freedom to choose virtually any object to transform into a lamp. From globes and ceramic mugs to drumsticks or even car directional lights, almost anything can be upcycled into a lamp. Select an item that speaks to your ...
Control RGB Lights Over the Internet You can use the MQTT protocol or Alexa app (requires an Echo device at the location) to control your upgraded RGB LED strip over the internet. For this, you can use a public or private MQTT broker. You will also need an MQTT client app on your sma...
Based on the fluorescent lights installed before and what LED lights you replace them with, you can save up to 80% on your energy bills, lower your environmental impact and be part of carbon footprint reduction. On average, it is found that there is about a 30% reduction in electricity ...