"As there is more realism brought into it and we're not trying to bluff each other, very often we agree on things outside the traditional court system more quickly and cheaply than the traditional system," he says. Sharing a solicitor? Opting for "o...
Dart Your Exwas designed to be amusing. Most people have serious anger towards their ex after a break up or divorce. So they’d get to upload an image, throw darts at it, and then post the photo to their Facebook or Twitter account. In addition, the app would play random audio as ...
I’ve tested hundreds of cameras during my time as a professional photographer and reviewer. Shopping for a camera can quickly become complicated. As with most things, the more options you have, the less likely you are to make a decision. ...
Being anexpert-generalist (a term coined byOrit Gadiesh - Our TeamOrit Gadiesh, the chairwoman of multibillion dollar consulting company,Bain & Company) and going wide into adjacent fields will quickly give you a unique perspective. Build a lab, not an experiment. Entrepreneurs who can conduct ...
Prices of shares of stock are likely to encounter similar headwinds. Prices of derivative investments may perform even worse than the shares themselves. Recently, a great deal of the strength of the US market has been in a few stocks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) needs to very quickly provide...
If you want your spouse to divorce you, by all means take a day trip to IKEA on Saturday. Your marriage won’t survive beyond theMarket Hall— the perfect place to negotiate who gets custody of the kids on Christmas. For everyone else, avoid IKEA like the bubonic plague on weekends. Yo...
However, rushing into a hosting relationship without doing your research could lead to feeling trapped, misled, or extorted. Choosing the wrong host often ends with headaches and a messy, expensive divorce — and you again alone, holding on to all the files you used to share. We consider ...
Not only that, but you will be forced to wait to make purchases until you have enough money saved up-and by then you may no longer want the latest “must-have” item. 4. Pay off your mortgage as quickly as possible If you have been extending your payments over the typical 30 years,...
And although it took until almost age 40 to become a father, better late than never. In retrospect, I wish I had kids sooner. this way, I could be in the lives for a greater percentage of both of our lives. However as anolder parent, I also recognize the ability to make up for ...
had historically collected the oil by damming the creek near a seep and skimming the oil off the top. But Drake can only collect six to ten gallons of oil a day this way, even when he opens up extra seeps. He tries digging a shaft, but the groundwater floods in too quickly. ...