Answer:You do not have to use Cartographic Representations to do this. There is aKnowledge Base articleon how to symbolize polygon features so that boundary lines between like polygons are dissolved. The solution dissolves all boundaries so for those areas you wish to symbolise with a boundary y...
In ArcMap, navigate to the main menu, and clickGeoprocessing>Dissolve. For more information, refer toArcGIS Help: Dissolve. ForInput Features, select the layer generated in Step 1. Check theCreate multipart featuresoption. ClickOK. InTable Of Contents, right-click the dissolved layer generated....
As part of the dissolve process, the aggregated features can also include summaries of any of the attributes present in the input features. For instance, the revenue generated in the counties making up each sales region could be summed to give the total revenue for each sales region. ...
Mit einer Advanced-Lizenz ist das Werkzeug "Polygonteil entfernen" verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unterArcGIS-Hilfe: Polygonteil entfernen. Mit einer Basic- oder Standard-Lizenz ist das Werkzeug "Polygonteil entfernen" jedoch nicht verfügbar. Verwenden Sie stattdessen das Werk...
ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | Other versions| Help archive Dissolve Network creates a network dataset in the Output Geodatabase Workspace with fewer line features than the Input Network Dataset. Network datasets with fewer line features have more efficient traversals, which results in faster network analyses. The...
融合网络的工作原理 此ArcGIS 10.4 文档已 存档,并且不再对其进行更新。 其中的内容和链接可能已过期。 请参阅最新文档。需要Network Analyst 许可。示例 “融合网络”过程融合网络在输出地理数据库工作空间中创建一个网络数据集,其中的线要素数少于输入网络数据集中的线要素数。
See Migrate from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro for more information.Dissolve fields Multipart features Summarizing attributes Unsplitting lines and merging two lines at their common endpoint Use the Dissolve tool when you want to aggregate features based on a specified attribute or attributes. For examp...
如果要基于一个或多个指定的属性聚合要素,可使用融合工具。例如,可以选取一个包含按县收集的销售数据的要素类,然后使用融合基于各县销售人员的名字创建一个包含毗连销售区的要素类。融合可通过移除同一销售人员所负责的各县之间的边界来创建销售区。 融合字段 指定字段具有相同值组合的要素将聚合(融合)为单个...
融合可能会导致创建出多部分 (multipart) 要素。多部分 (multipart) 要素是包含不连续元素的单个要素,在属性表中表示为一条记录。夏威夷州是以多部分要素表示要素的常见示例。夏威夷州通常以多部分 (multipart) 要素表示。 汇总属性 作为融合过程的一部分,聚合要素还可包括输入要素中存在的所有属性的汇总。...
When buffering lines or polygons, theGeodesicmethod produces geodesic buffers by buffering the feature in the spatial reference of the input feature class so as to ensure the buffers follow the intended geodesic shape of the input features. ...