Wondering how to improve your credit score? Discover 7 smart tips to build your credit, plus learn how credit works and why it matters.
How to Dispute Credit Report Errors Your credit report contains information about where you live, how you pay your bills, and whether you've been sued, arrested, or filed for bankruptcy. Consumer reporting companies sell the information in your report to creditors, insurers, employers, and other...
If you don’t know where you are, you can’t get to where you want to be with improving your credit rating. Once you know your FICO score, you can create a plan to improve your credit score more easily. Once a year, request a score from the top three bureaus – Experian®, Equi...
The Credit Solution Program is a one-of-a-kind course to assist you in raising your credit score, getting out of debt, and living in good financial health.
Once your credit report resembles a Monet instead of a stick figure drawing, you can pull one credit report every three months to make sure no bad stuff pops up and hurts your score in the future. Dispute Credit Record Errors Sometimes when a person pulls their credit report for the first...
If the dispute isn't resolved in your favor, you can ask that a statement be included in your file and in future credit reports. In addition to your free report every 12 months, you're entitled to a free report if any company takes the kind of adverse action against you that would wi...
You can create a poll on B2B social media such as LinkedIn or a Facebook group where your potential customers hang out. In it, you can ask people what their biggest challenges are and figure out their pain points. Save You can then pick the top answer(s) related to the products and/...
You know, you take these big concepts, these complex ideas, these big assignments, you break them down to much more manageable tasks, and then along the way, you make a marginal improvement to the process that ups the odds of success in your favor. I’m going to try and do this in ...
Expense automation eliminates the need for your highest performers to be spending valuable time on manual tasks, when they could be otherwise generating value for your organisation. Manual processes negate many of the benefits that programs such as corporate credit cards, online booking tools and inte...
The rule of thumb is to keep your card balances at 25 percent or less of their limits. 15 percent of the score is based on the length of time you've had credit. The longer you've had established credit, the better it is for your overall credit score. Why? Because more information ...