When you see unexpected charges from Microsoft in a statement from your bank, credit card, or any other payment provider, we want to help you resolve your question as quickly as possible. If you don't recognize a charge on your account, go to theManage your payme...
Your first step is to try to identify the reason for these charges. They may be perfectly valid charges you simply do not recognize. The support article If you see 'apple.com/bill' on your billing statement - Apple Support explains how you can check your iTunes and App Stores purchase ...
Need more help? Tip:If you believe someone has acquired your payment info, contact your bank or your payment provider to prevent more charges. Tell them your credit card has been stolen or compromised - If you only dispute the charges, there's nothing to prevent the...
If you are unable to find the charges, or if you need a refund, you can request that here: Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple - Apple Support Kindest regards. Reply of 1 How do I dispute charges on my card?Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum ...
After using the free credit, I forgot to cancel the payment method associated with the account. As a result, I've been charged for services I didn't intend to use. I'm now trying to request a full refund from Microsoft for these unintended charges. I'm trying to create a new ...
Tech support scams are on the rise globally. Scammers pretend to be from major tech companies like Microsoft or Apple and claim they detected issues on your computer. They say that viruses, malware or hacking was found and you need to call them immediately. But it’s a lie – they just...
If you deposit $500 to an account that charges a $5 monthly fee and you don’t make further deposits, by the end of the year you’ll only have $440, a loss of more than 10 percent of your initial balance. Look for an account with no monthly fee so you don’t have to worry ...
Both parents will equally share custody of the children to prevent psychological damage. If a dispute occurs over custody, the court will intervene and decide what’s in the child’s best interests. INHERITANCE The individual has a right to transfer his inheritance to whomever they wish, given ...
Fraudulent charges from credit or debit card information that has been compromised Typically, credit cardholders have a timeframe in which they can dispute a charge, known as thechargeback period. Disputing a potential chargeback can be challenging. It requires time to dispute the charge with a ...
Tip:If you believe someone has acquired your payment info, contact your bank or your payment provider to prevent more charges. Tell them your credit card has been stolen or compromised - If you only dispute the charges, there's nothing to prevent the fraudulent charges fro...