✅ How to Dispose of Paint Method #7: Toss latex paint in the trash, but recycle the cans. YinYang//Getty Images Unlike oil paints, latex paints aren't considered hazardous waste. If you have leftover latex paints that can't be recycled, reused or stored, pour the paints into a box...
You’ll also learn what to do with paint cans once they’re empty.How to Dispose of Latex Paint You can throw away latex paint, but make sure to do it properly. Follow these three easy steps to safely get rid of latex paint. Remove the lid and toss it. Then, dispose of the can ...
Never pour liquid paint down a drain to dispose of it. Step 1 Rub the preferred wall down with a wet rag to remove dust and other residue. Lay some plastic painting tarp on the floor in front of the wall and secure with tape to protect the floor from paint spatters. Step 2 Fill a...