✅ How to Dispose of Paint Method #7: Toss latex paint in the trash, but recycle the cans. YinYang//Getty Images Unlike oil paints, latex paints aren't considered hazardous waste. If you have leftover latex paints that can't be recycled, reused or stored, pour the paints into a box...
Then, dispose of the can separately. If you’re planning to throw the paint can away, let the remaining paint dry out first. To accelerate the drying process, mix cat litter into the paint. If you participate in curbside recycling, pour the remaining paint into a carboard box and place ...
Never pour liquid paint down a drain to dispose of it. Step 1 Rub the preferred wall down with a wet rag to remove dust and other residue. Lay some plastic painting tarp on the floor in front of the wall and secure with tape to protect the floor from paint spatters. Step 2 Fill a...
Plastic: Virtually everything made of plastic should be marked with a recycle code, but not all types can actually be recycled. You may be able to recycle plastic grocery bags at the grocery store; other plastic bags may have to be trashed. Any product made of a single plastic type should...
The vast majority of office supply stores will accept old printer cartridges. Kathryn Kellogg advises that most printer manufacturers will recycle cartridges if you mail them out.[27] You can actually refill ink and toner cartridges a few times before you need to dispose of them, so do that...