cervix opens a bit during your period to release blood, it's also slightly more likely that bacteria or viruses can enter via the vagina and cause an infection of the uterus or fallopian tubes, says abdur-rahman. that's why having sex when your period is on the lighter side can be ...
Use to dispose of old kitty litter by: Anonymous I use them, one at a time, to dispose of used kitty litter! where I use my old bags by: SISSY I recycle our plastic bags at local library, charities such as food pantries, and also thrift stores like Salvation Army. We have ...
While break-ups are always tough, it’s a good idea to make this one as smooth as possible.Your Mac contains a lot of personal information, and is connected to a number of Apple accounts. When you plan to dispose of your Mac — whether you sell it, give it away, or send it for ...
If that isn't possible, leave the remnants to fall out on their own. Once the tick is out, the next thing you need to do is dispose of it safely. Drowning it—either by submerging it in a container of alcohol or soapy water or flushing it down the toilet—is a foolproof option. ...
Did you miss collection day? Are you trying to find another way to dispose of your tree? The fireplace is not the way to do it. Evergreen trees burn hot and fast. The dry needles light up quickly. Before you even get a chance to get the whole twig into the fire, your arm will ...
Unfortunately, CFLs contain toxic mercury that makes them potentially hazardous and a pain to dispose of. Enter the LED light bulb. LEDs offer the advantages of CFLs – lower power consumption and longer lifetimes – without the downside of toxic mercury [source: Scheer and Moss]. For example,...
Where and How to Dispose of Real Christmas Trees If you prefer a real Christmas tree, you’re still going to have to make some decisions when it comes to how to clear it out after the holiday is over. Try to dispose of your tree as early as possible after you stop using it since ...
Continue this process of scoop, sieve, and dump until your scoop only finds litter and no more clumps. Seal the bag of litter and dispose outside. Clean the edge of your litter box scoop with soap and water and let dry.How to Change a Litter Box To change out all the cat litter in...
Learn how to insert and remove a tampon safely and comfortably, including tips for beginners and best practices for maintaining hygiene.
Orange pustules appear on the leaves in summer, which then begin to die back. The bulbs are perfectly safe to eat but it's a good idea to remove affected foliage or harvest and eat affected bulbs immediately to prevent the disease spreading. Dispose of the rest of the plant material (bin...