Dilute the acid properly. Put on safety glasses to protect your eyes and rubber gloves to protect your skin. Fill a plastic bucket with four parts water to one part muriatic acid, diluting the acid to a 25 percent mixture. For example, use four equal cups of water to 1 cup of muriatic...
Dip into concentrated muriatic acid. This is very corrosive! Make sure you are working in a well ventilated area with a respirator, wear chemical splash goggles, and make sure you are wearing appropriate chemical gloves. The used acid needs to be neutralized until it increases to a pH of 7 ...
-Hydrochloric acid (same thing as as muriatic acid) -Hydrogen peroxide (same thing as oxygenated water) -A shallow plastic container to mix the peroxide with the acid (2:1 mix, depending on the peroxide concentration you may need to change the mix, I used 11vol. peroxide) - Another conta...
If you have leftover muriatic acid, it's important to get rid of it in a way that won't harm your plumbing, yourself, or the environment. While this strong cleaning product is useful for removing stains and scale buildup from brick, tile,...
Apply soda ash to the acid puddle, scrubbing the mixture with a pool brush. You will need to use 2 lb. (.9 kg) of soda ash per 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of acid. Pump the mixture into a bowl using a submersible pump. Dispose of what you pumped, as the acid can kill frogs, fish...