Are you shopping around for a new bedroom set, but unsure of how to dispose a mattress or box spring? Don’t worry; you have options for getting rid of your old bed — and we’ve listed them for you. Whether your mattress is beat down, or you’re just looking to upgrade, it’...
You may be surprised to learn that you have several ways to dispose of a mattress that don’t include hauling it to the landfill. While throwing away your bed is always an option, you could also donate it to charity, recycle it, or even sell it— all of which would lessen the mattres...
Regardless of your situation, there are several mattress disposal and recycling options that don't require a ton of time, effort, or manpower. Find out the best (read: free) way to dispose, recycle, or donate your mattress near you.
Wondering how to choose a mattress that suits you? Read our complete guide to choosing a mattress & easily learn how to choose a mattress.
When you buy your new mattress, ask your bedding retailer if they can help you dispose of your old one. That’s one place to start. If they don’t have those services available, contact your local municipality to see what its waste-management policies are for curb-side mattress pick-ups...
How to Dispose of a Mattress in Denver, Colorado Talk to the manager of an apartment complex, a rental property manager or landlord to ask if a free mattress is available. In many instances, tenants move out of their rental properties and leave mattresses behind, sticking the property manager...
Wondering how to get rid of mold on your mattress and whether it’s safe to sleep on? We have expert answers for you.
The response to mattresses are personal or subjective. Some of the positive results are allowing a 100 night trial period. This makes it easier, however, you still have to set it up and, if you do not like it, dispose of it. While you may not have to pay for them to “pick it ...
You’ve heard it before: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. If your furniture or appliances are presentable and in good working order, why not hold a garage sale to dispose of large items? Garage sales are a fun way to get to know your neighbors and to involve the whole fa...
Here are some signs that you should dump your mattress in the garbage rather than dump it on a charity to dispose of themselves: The structure has been compromised: broken coils, sagging, indentations Tears, holes, gashes Obvious stains ...