Open the Steam client on your PC or Mac and log in. Click on the Steam tab. Select Settings on Windows, or Preferences on Mac. Select In-Game from the options on the left. Click on the In-game FPS counter drop-down menu and choose where you want the counter to appear on your scre...
When it comes to PC gaming, everything is about the framerate. Here's the best ways to increase it in your games.
Upload game video to YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Free Download Buy Now iTop Screen Recorder has an array of features to clip stuff on PC and create a perfect game tutorial. Record game clips with no lags/no fps drops: iTop Screen Recorder has a game recording mode used to flawlessly ...
cl_showfps 1- use this command to enable FPS overlay cl_showfps 0- to disable FPS To not bother with entering CS:GO console commandsevery time you want to display FPS, why not bind these commands to some keys. Check out more details in the article withCS:GO binds. Createautoexec.cfg-...
In reference to your question about adding the option of showing FPS on games via Intel® Graphics Command Center, for us to provide the most accurate assistance on this topic, first, we just wanted to confirm a few details about your system: What is the model of the m...
When that happens, the monitor will attempt to show more frames than it is capable of and will occasionally display two or more frames at the same time.This results in one frame being shown on the upper part of the monitor and another on the lower section. ...
Another reason why FPS drops in your games is probably outdated or incorrect drivers for your graphics and network cards. This is because outdated, incorrect, or missing drivers for your display card and network card could lead to unstable graphics rendering and slow network connection, and therefo...
How to increase FPS and improve gaming performance? Get our one-stop solution to boost your FPS in one click.
1. Launch your game and navigate to Graphics/Display settings 2. Lower texture quality and filtering options: Reduce texture resolution to medium or high Lower anisotropic filtering to 8x or 4x Decrease shadow quality 3. Adjust advanced settings: ...
other hardware components such as monitors or gpus. so, make sure all parts are balanced correctly before attempting to raise the cap. additionally, using too high resolutions in tandem with high framerates can also cause slowdown and affect overall game playability. do all pc games use fps?