The permanence of bad habits shouldn’t discourage you; change is still possible according to the latest habit research. While you can’t completely get rid of a bad habit, it is possible to create more powerful good habits that simply override the bad ones. That’s what rewiring is all ...
becausecarportsare open, they can also attract birds that roost and build nests on the inside of the carport. Most car owners do not want birds around their cars messing up the car with bird droppings, and creating a general nuisance. One way to discourage the birds...
You can discourage voles from nibbling on bulbs by adding gravel to the planting hole (surrounding the bulbs). When you plant bulbs, drench or powder them with a fungicide to keep voles at bay. Vole damage to tree bark is best prevented byencircling the tree with a light-colored tree guar...
for instance, have claimed that poppers could be the cause of AIDS. “A hundred percent of the people who died in the first thousand [with] AIDS were people who were addicted to poppers, which are known to cause Kaposi sarcoma in rats,” Kennedy told an audience in a speech...
The good news is that many techniques used to deter cats will help discourage other animals as well. Eliminate food and water sources to make your yard less appealing. Choose tall fencing with no gaps and an underground portion or barrier on the surface near the base to prevent digging. The...
Natural Ways to Deter Mice To discourage mice from entering your home and garden, here are some natural solutions: Try a mouse repellent containing ammonium; see your local garden center. For some reason, ammonia smells like predator urine. You can even make your own ammonia traps by putting ...
Whenever possible, discourage wild animals from entering your yard. There are a few home remedies for fleas that don't work. While flea collars can help keep fleas off your pets, they generally don't have much of an effect on established infestations. Feeding pets brewer's yeast, garlic and...
Incorporating these plants into your garden will discourage gophers from invading. Noise Some people recommend buying a cheap battery-powered radio to chase away gophers. Place it in a sealable plastic bag. Switch it on and insert it into a gopher hole. Move it to a new hole every few ...
discourages crows from entering the area. Installing battery- or wind-powered plastic owls that move and make noise are also effective when installed near the garden. The birds can become accustomed to these measures as time passes, but moving frighteners to new locations helps maintain their ...
It is possible to lose 20 lbs. of bodyfat in 30 days by optimizing any of three factors: exercise, diet, or drug/supplement regimen. I’ve seen the elite implementation of all three in working with professional athletes. In this post, we’ll explore what I refer to as...