But most bees aren't social. They don't live in hives or work together to support a queen. In this article, we'll look at how social bees are different fromsolitarybees. We'll also explore how bees make honey and examine the potential causes and effects of Colony Collapse Disorder. ...
Bees are an essential and indispensable part of the ecosystem; however, that does not mean you have to share your house with them. A beehive inside the property can be very inconvenient and pose serious threats to the inhabitants of the house. Identify the species before you begin the bee c...
Pick grape clusters as soon as they ripen to discourage yellow jackets and bees from feeding. Additionally, remove any damaged or overripe grapes from the vine Step 3 Make a water trap to reduce the number of yellow jackets on your grapevines early in the season. Yellow jackets are not bene...
Be sure plants are well-spaced to allow for good air circulation which is essential for fruit ripening and to discourage pests and diseases. Protect young plants with polyethylene floating row covers if days or nights are cool. Lift row covers during warm afternoons so that bees can pollinate ...
There are lots of ways to discourage these pests, one of the best being to encourage predators into the garden - hedgehogs and birds will feast on them. What are the tiny holes all over the leaves of my hollyhock? Flea beetles occasionally damage hollyhocks, making them unattractive. They ...
layer ofmulcharound the Sedums, avoiding the new growth. At the end of May, perform the ‘Chelsea chop’ - cut a third to half of the stems to the ground, to discourage the plant from flopping out from the centre. Stonecrops do not need any aftercare other than to water occasionally....
If the season has been particularly hot and dry, squirrels may steal tomatoes, cucumbers, or other juicy produce from the vine because they’re thirsty. Some readers have reported that placing a water dish (or bird bath) near commonly eaten crops can discourage snacking. ...
area, build a nesting box on a 12-foot pole near your garden. If a barn owl moves in, your gophers will likely move out. Keeping dogs near the garden can also discourage gophers. Some small dogs may actually enter their burrows and chase them out. Cats can also be a gopher ...
The main reasons for monitoring a nest box is: 1) to increase populations of native cavity nesting birds and 2) prohibit non-native House Sparrows and European Starlings from utilizing nest boxes. Never allow either of these birds to inhabit your boxes. Always remove nests, eggs or young of...
suitable homes in the great outdoors, others will take up residence in or near houses, barns and buildings. Others will follow in droves, making a noisy mess of your once peaceful abode. There are a few simple steps you can take to discourage martins and keep them from nesting near your ...