The first step in any organization project is to declutter. Go through every item in your garage and decide whether to keep, donate, or discard it. Be honest about what you use and what’s just taking up space. Categorize Your Items Once you’ve pared down your possessions, categorize the...
Once the sticker edges are painted, paint the rest of the can blue. Once the can is painted and before the paint dries, gently peel up the star stickers and discard them. Paint the smaller cans with red stripes. Set aside to dry. Step 3: Construct Wind Chime Once the cans are dry,...
PART THREE: Attach your herb planters to the window. Originally, I thought I would attach the tin can planters to the window using magnets. I stuck six strong magnets to the bottom of the window frame. These magnets worked brilliantly with empty cans. However, when the cans were full of ...
Remove frozen mold from freezer and cut and discard string. Step 4 Heat cans to unmold the ice bucket: Submerge entire mold in hot water for 10 seconds. Fill interior can with hot water for 10 seconds. Step 5 Gently rotate interior can until it can be pulled free, then invert large ca...
As you discard items, consciously sort them into the appropriate bin based on their recyclability. This involves identifying materials eligible for recycling, such as paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, glass containers, and metal cans. Remember to rinse out recyclable containers to remove any food ...
If any of your tools are broken or rusted beyond easy repair, discard them. Get rid of anything that's just taking up space.[10] Hang onto things you can identify, if you want to. If you're struggling with a big hoard of little fasteners and other bits, though, it might be a ...