Making sense of the new crisis is essential, as this helps organizations to understand what they can (and cannot) learn from the past, what to focus on today, what to continue, and what to discard. To use a military saying, it prevents them from “fighting the last war.” Moreover, ...
Once I was forced to discard my protective incompetence, I found that business was neither so hard nor so boring as I feared. There are esoteric areas of business that are quite hard, like tax law or the pricing of derivatives, but you don't need to know about those in a startup. ...
to deemphasize (or discard) requirements for education and relevant experience and hire people from unconventional backgrounds—other industries, adjacent majors, overlooked colleges and universities—who are ready to learn. We’re also seeing bu...
A traditional relational database doesn't expire data. You often want to keep time-series data only for a certain period and discard the rest automatically. New time-series databases have optimized their storage format to make it quicker for multiple clients to write data and also faster to re...
For example, high taxes on tobacco, alcohol, gasoline, and even meat, have had beneficial effects on the health of many European populations. The EU and UK have already introduced versions of carbon emissions taxes; henceforth taxes on sulfur and nitrate emissions may also become desirable. ...
You can also choose between gasoline and electric, or get a manual hand edger that you power yourself. (Keep in mind, however, that this can be time-consuming if you've got a large expanse of lawn.) Gas tends to be heavier and noisier than electric, but it's better for cutting ...
2. The initial vapor that comes out (Foreshots) at 64.7 °C or around there will be Methanol. Although an alcohol, in large amounts it is poisonous and can cause blindness. You should discard the appropriate amount which can be found on the internet. If you are running a pot still, ...
Once I was forced to discard my protective incompetence, I found that business was neither so hard nor so boring as I feared. There are esoteric areas of business that are quite hard, like tax law or the pricing of derivatives, but you don't need to know about those in a startup. ...
如何让生活简单(Howtomakelifesimple) 1.findthe4-5mostimportantthingsforyou.Whatmattersmost toyou?Whatmakesyouvaluethemost?Whatarethe4-5things youspendyourwholelifetryingtoaccomplish?Thebeginning ofasimplelife,theanswertotheabovequestionsasyourlife benchmark. All2.,lookatyourpursuitofreviewingthepastwork,...
I would strongly suggest, that as a start we immediately discard GDP as a metric for measuring our well being. We must also begin to take seriously a whole cost accounting approach in our economic activities. The concept of economic growth must be discarded completely the sooner the better. ...