> that should stop all warning messages being > displayed. > > More detail here: >http://php.net/manual/en/function.error-reporting. > php > > Hope that helps It works! Thanks for the input. Andrew Subject Written By Posted How to disable PDO warning?
1. Locate thephp.inifile. The path to the file varies based on thePHP version, server type, andLinux distribution. Look for the file in the PHP installationdirectory, within the PHP version and server typesubdirectory. For example, the defaultphp.inipath for PHP 8.1 running on anApacheserver...
How to enable or disable PHP error reporting forWordPress do you know, there are quite a few sites out there with PHP warning and errors enabled by default and debuglogsare easily readable to all of their users. You definitelywant to disablePHP warning and error reporting at front end...
Before we look into the various methods, a word of caution is necessary. Make sure to disable error reporting for your web application’s production code. You wouldn’t want your users to come across obscure error messages when using your website. Directly from code Using the error_reporting(...
# enable PHP error loggingphp_flag log_errors on php_value error_log /home/path/public_html/domain/PHP_errors.log For this to work, you will need to edit the path in the last line to reflect the actual location of yourPHP_errors.logfile. Of course, you will need to create this file...
~E_ALL : Disable all 5)If the change was successful, you will see a green box with a message which will confirm that the change has been applied. That’s all! Now you know how to enable or disable PHP error reporting in cPanel ...
You’ll need to paste the following code into the wp-config.php file just before the line that says, ‘That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging’: define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); Hosted with ️ byWPCode 1-click Use in WordPress ...
You can easily disable shortcodes by adding the following code to your theme’sfunctions.phpfile or by usingWPCode: add_shortcode( 'pluginshortcode', '__return_false' ); Hosted with ️ byWPCode 1-click Use in WordPress For more details, please see our guide onhow to easily add custom...
To disable output buffering, modify theoutput_bufferingdirective in thephp.inifile as follows: output_buffering = off To verify the current value of theoutput_bufferingdirective and other directives, you can use thephpinfo()function. For more information about how to do this, please seethis ar...
To finish, save and upload the file. WordPress will create a file nameddebug.login thewp-contentdirectory. Open up this file, and you should see a log of recent errors. Pro Tip: Once you’ve solved the problem, disable debugging by settingWP_DEBUGtofalse. This makes sure hackers can’t...